Following a tutoring session with my host brother after school, I met up with the SPED girls to travel to Tibidabo. The view from here was amazing! We also went in the church and gift shop. When we returned we had some trouble navigating but got some help from the locals.
We ended up eating at a 50's dinner claiming to have American food. They had a Mississippi burger that came from Louisiana, chicken fingers, and shakes. They even gave us a souvenir when we left. When I came home my host brother was talking about looking at a house on google. I showed him Google Earth. Then we googled my house and farm. He was so excited to see the cattle.
Today, for tutoring my host brother wanted to play Minecraft. We made a deal that he could play if he examined it all to me in English. Now I know all about zombies and giant spiders. When he left for rugby practice I went to the market with my host mom. After dinner Mark and I googled the Statue of Liberty, the Effile Tower, Stonehenge, and other major places across the world. It was a good night to have before leaving tomorrow for Italy.